Year of establishment: 2004

The Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) is a bridge between the school and parents. Members of the association do not merely serve as advisers on the school development, but also actively arrange and participate in various home-school activities, making significant contributions to learning and teaching.

Brief Introduction:
All the PTA members being elected on one-year term to assist the school in promoting parenting work and preparing parent-child activities. The 11 members comprise teaching staff and parents, including Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary, Liaison and Director of  General Affairs.
Goals and functions:
  • To strengthen communication and establish partnership between parents and the School;
  • To promote healthy growth of children in academic, physical and mental aspects through close parent-school collaboration;
  • To develop parent potentials and promote parent-children relationship through planning and organizing various developmental and recreational activities;
  • To enable parents to enhance their understanding of their children's needs and arouse their attention to various policies relating to children through parent education; and
  • To encourage parents to share opinions on school policies to enhance school development.
Parents with children studying in the School and enthusiasm about home-school affairs can run in the election of PTA officers.