Chinese culture learning activities in 2023-24:

Let children understand the different traditional cultures and characteristics of China, and cultivate their attitude and ability to appreciate beauty.

Coinciding with the Year of the Dragon, children in the lower and upper classes listened to the Chinese legend story: "The Twelve Zodiac Signs" and developed fantasies and curiosity about the mythical creature "dragon". During the introduction of Chinese children's toys, the children also explored "kites". Finally, they thought of combining the two and used traditional folk crafts - tie-making to create "dragon kites" with Chinese characteristics. Exhibited in schools and young girls’ art exhibitions to inherit and promote the unique beauty of Chinese art.

In addition, the school has also purchased many Chinese arts resources to enrich children's classroom experience and allow them to express their creativity in music and visual arts. A professional team went to the school to perform kung fu performances and designed different Chinese culture booths, including paper fan creations, hieroglyphics games, sachet gifts, etc., which also allowed parents and children to further understand the different aspects of Chinese culture.
Event Highlights
2022-2023 Chinese Culture Learning Activities
Goal: Understand Chinese culture and spread the spirit of Chinese culture

By visiting buildings with Chinese culture and places with Chinese culture exhibitions, children can better understand the beauty of Chinese architecture and the ancient lifestyle.
During the New Year activities, children had the opportunity to enjoy the performance of the lion dance team from a nearby primary school, learn how to make Hui Chun, and finally learn the spirit of blessing people in Chinese culture and give the Hui Chun to neighbors.